I have personally self diagnosed myself as having OCD (the Obsessive Compulsive type). I don't really know everything that entails with OCD- but I am sure that I have very similar tendencies. For some examples: I am way too organized. I am constantly writing out and re-writing my to-do lists. I have a difficult time trying not to overstress myself when something changes in my schedule and prevents me from overcoming all of my tasks on my overwritten to do lists. I can barely sit still and relax when I know there are things to do on my overwritten to do lists. This stress level in turn interferes with my creative process- which I call OCD as well (Overload Creative Disorder).
When I start thinking about items to make handmade for selling or as gifts for family and friends, I get a whole bunch of ideas at once. I then list them all out as they come to me. I have been trying to schedule in which items to complete by a certain date on my calendars but am never able to find enough time to get to each item I want to complete in a day. I then feel overwhelmed and depressed and like I just have no time to achieve anything I actually want to do because I have to focus so much on things I really need to do.
Time to kick myself in the bottom and rethink my strategy on my overstressed life style so I don't lose my creative curve. Of course- I will still do a calendar and overwrite my to- do lists to fit my schedule cosntantly. But I am not going to "schedule in" when to be creative. Being creative is on my own standards and should be something I do when I'm ready to and when I can enjoy it. I still make a list- mind you- of items I want to create that may fit with a certain month, season, holiday, etc. However, I will not pressure myself to complete those items within that timeframe. If I can't get to everything I want to make now- I'll get to the ones I feel like doing the most and then maybe save some ideas for a rainy day when there's nothing else to do (does that ever really happen???)
My story here is just a reminder for the rest of you who own your handmade item businesses- don't let pressure kill your creativity and block your brilliance. In my opinion you'll lose your value in what you're making and what you love to do if you can't just sit and enjoy what you're doing.
Happy Monday!
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